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General Medicine

Graves Disease

In this post we will learn about Graves Disease, its signs and symptoms and its management. Grave’s disease is an autoimmune disease caused by production of autoantibodies that stimulate TSH(Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) receptor on thyroid cell membrane resulting in excessive synthesis and secretion of thyroid hormone. Proptosis as seen in Graves Disease. Image Courtesy: Jonathan […]

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Hypertension is referred to increase in blood pressure. Signs of Hypertension Tremors, tachycardia, exophthalmos, thyroid dermopathy and goiter in hyperthyroidism Moon’s face, buffalo hump and truncal obesity in Cushing’s syndrome. Bruit over abdominal aorta. Presence of puffy face, rough skin, obesity in myxedema Prognathism, clubbed hand, coarse features in acromegaly Palpable kidney lump in polycystic

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