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Pre-exam Tips. Must read for all NEET appearing candidates


Hello NEET Aspirants,

This blog is mostly meant for those who are appearing the NEET-MDS 2018 PG Dental Entrance Examination in India which is due in 2 days i.e. 7th Jan 2018. We hope you are well prepared for the exam and are pretty confident and nervous too at the same time. Here is a timetable which should help you in the few days if you choose to follow. You can modify it according to your needs.

4th Jan 2018

  • Foremost, download your admit card and paste your photo on it and put it in the exam bag.
  • Revise what you already know. Starting an unknown topic will only make things much more complicated.
  • Go through tricky content. Practice Image Based Questions, solve mock tests, discuss difficult topics with friends (only regarding studies).
  • Split your time for all the subjects equally. Get hold of some MBBS topics such as obstetrics and embryology.
  • Proper time management on 4th Jan is critical to get the almost forgotten content back to your memory.
  • Have proper and nutritious foods.
  • No TV (Big Boss) or TP (FB, Whatsapp, Twitter) etc.
  • Take a good night’s sleep and keep yourself calm.

5th Jan 2018

  • Wake up and meditate for 15 minutes. Just long deep breaths and prepare yourself for a long day to study. During those 15 minutes, keep your mind free from activity and don’t think of what is to come on Sunday and what should I wear on Sunday(specially girls). Just be yourself for 15 minutes. Listen to some binaural sounds if it helps you.
  • Download Admit card and paste your photo on it and put it in the exam bag. If not done on 4th Jan.
  • Start your study early morning dividing the 18 hrs of 5th Jan in 6 sections of 3 hrs each. Start studying from 1st year topics in 1st section , 2nd year topics in 2nd section and so on. In the 6th section just before sleep, practice Image based questions either from a book you already have or go through images available on the app or open any decent textbook and look at the images itself. You never know, the image you looked today will appear in the exam as it is.
  • Have proper and nutritious food.
  • No TV (Big Boss) or TP (FB, Whatsapp, Twitter) etc.
  • Take a good night’s sleep and keep yourself calm.

6th Jan 2018

  • Wake up and meditate for 15 minutes. Just long deep breaths and prepare yourself for a long day to study. During those 15 minutes, keep your mind free from activity and don’t think of what will happen Tomorrow, will the exam be difficult or moderate. Just be yourself for 15 minutes. Listen to some binaural sounds if it helps you.
  • FINAL REMINDER: Download Admit card and paste your photo on it and put it in the exam bag. If not done on 5th Jan.
  • Today is the day before exam. Make time to visit the center and look at seating arrangements and the distance/time taken from your place to the exam center.
  • Make sure you have all the stationary with you. We don’t know if they will allow you to carry your own stationary as pen, pencil, eraser, etc.
  • Get an idea of how the paper is going to be. Visit the demo exam put up by NBE and familiarize yourself with the structure of how things appear on monitor and how to appear an exam on desktop.
  • Revise what you already know. Keep on recalling things topic wise. The more you revise, the better you are at attempting the correct answer.
  • Have proper and nutritious food.
  • Avoid excess caffeine.
  • If you come across something which you don’t know, skip it. Don’t get too much worried about the things which are not going to help you. Ignore such topics and be positive.
  • Pack your bags only with stuff which you want to revise. Don’t carry 15 books to the exam. Carry the stationary you want with you. Documents like ID card, Admit Card must be put tonight itself before going to sleep.
  • You have to sleep today by maximum 11:59 PM so that you can get a good start for the final battle. You don’t want yourself feeling all lazy while attempting the paper.

7th Jan 2018

  • Get ready well before time. Girls are requested to wear something which won’t distract boys while attempting the paper. Boys get easily distracted with a pretty girl sitting beside while attempting the exam.
  • Have good breakfast/brunch.
  • Reach the center well before the reporting time mentioned on the admit card.
  • After entering the examination hall, Make sure that your mouse is working properly with click working. Replace mouse even if you feel it is a bit laggy or has some problem. Make sure the chair you sit in has 4 equal height legs and not 3.95 legs. Don’t sit on a rocky chair. It distracts you and your neighbors while appearing the exam. Replace chair too if needed. When sitting on a PC for 3 hours, if the posture is not maintained properly easy fatigue of your working hand (usually right hand) and back can cause trouble in exam. Give the hand on mouse a bit of rest in rest position. Those who are new to mouse don’t move your arm from shoulder in order to move mouse. Keep the arm rested from elbow to wrist on the table. Hold the mouse in you palm and more the wrist joint to move the mouse. If the whole screen is not getting covered in your wrist movement, pick up the mouse and drop in turning your wrist to the opposite end of the direction you want to move. Little bit practice of this and you wont have fatigue in your working hand. Keep back straight and don’t lean on the monitor.
  • While solving the paper, do not get upset if you don’t know answers to a few questions skip it.
  • Be focused. Think hard before attempting any question. We suggest you not to use Mark And Review button. IF you want to use it, don’t select any answer and click Mark And Review.
  • Read the question twice before attempting. Be careful with words like Except, Both, None, All, NOT, doesn’t, etc. Make sure you understand the question clearly before attempting the answer.
  • Do not try to use any unfair means. Not even sneaking or peeking even if the girl beside you is the most beautiful girl you have ever seen. Concentrate on your screen only.
  • 3 hrs will pass by and the paper will auto submit.
  • After exam, eat lots, sleep lots, and have a wonderful day. Those who didn’t party for the new year, now is the time. Enjoy!

Some basic mathematics.

Total number of questions: 240

Total time for exam: 3 hrs = 3 * 60 * 60 = 10800 seconds

Time to be allotted for one mcq/ibq: 10800/240 = 45 seconds.

Time to read a MCQ twice: 25 seconds

Time to click: 0.01 second

Time to think for correct answer: HMmmmmm. Depends.

So, just to give you a gist, you have to answer a question in 45 seconds. After spending 25 seconds to read the question you feel you don’t know the answer, be swift and fast to skip to next question. Better leave question unanswered than to attempt and spend time thinking about something you might know or may be will recall if you think hard.

If you are not sure if you should attempt the question, move forward.

If you never heard the question/options names before, move forward.

If you think the answer might be correct, move forward.

If you are sure about the question and the answer, SAVE/ATTEMPT and move forward.


1 question correct: +4 marks

1 question wrong: -1 marks

1 question unanswered: 0 marks


We estimate that solving 200 – 235 shall be considered a good attempt. 220 questions with 80% accuracy should be the target you aim for. We will know more about it after the exam.

Time is of essence here. Time you spend correctly with correct answers marked the more closer you get to excel in the exam.

After going through 240 questions and you have some time left, now move on to the unanswered questions/marked questions by clicking the question number on the right pane. They are color coded so that you know which question you have answered/marked and which not.


On behalf of all users and all team members, We wish you BEST of LUCK.

PS: Our lawyer told us to include these lines. Huh!

These are just hints of how to utilize time. All recommendations are made without guarantee on behalf of author and Team Dental Pockets. We are not responsible for any liability in connection with the use of this information. None of the authors, contributors, administrators or anyone else connected with this article, in any way whatsoever, can be responsible for your use of the information contained in this web page. Team Dental Pockets is not responsible for any errors or omissions, or for the results obtained from the use of this information.

Last updated on April 2nd, 2020 at 09:34